
pattern fabric pink red

Make a statement with this bundle of vibrant pink paper! This eye-catching bundle of paper is sure to make an impact on your next project - and with the perfect hue of pink, you'll be sure to stand out from the crowd.

The fabric-like texture and deep red hue make this paper a visual treat. It's perfect for any scrapbooking, card-making, or origami project. Not to mention, it's great for adding a little extra flair to any of your DIY projects.

This bundle of pink paper is just what you need to make your next project shine. Whether you are creating a special gift or looking to add a little extra something to a project, this paper is sure to make a statement.

Bring on the color with this unique bundle of pink paper. Make sure to add it to your next project for a little extra oomph. You won't be disappointed!

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